Contractor Preferred Quality Plumbing Fixtures Now Available.
Want The Best Plumbing Fixtures & Quality Service?
Imperial and our suppliers have come together to provide our mutual customers with the best way to shop for residential plumbing fixtures. No longer do you need to wait for deliveries from an unknown sender, run to the big box store to buy a sub-par, low quality product with no guarantees, or worry about choosing the wrong product and have to deal with returns, shipping, and unknown senders. Follow the directions below, return to our page, fill out the form, and let us take care of the rest. We’re changing the way homeowners can pick their plumbing fixtures.

How To Order
- Follow link to Plimpton & Hills Online Showroom here
- Log in using Imperial’s Customer Login:
Password: Imperial648
- Browse
- Choose products & Record EDP #’s for your appliances
- Fill out form below & click submit!