Why is the community important to us?

Our Connecticut Community is extremely important to us. Some of our customers live in the historical properties near the Connecticut River while others operate large businesses on route 5. No matter the property, we treat the people we service like neighbors, because we live here too.
For over 50 years we’ve given back to our community, both financially and by volunteering our resources. Whether sponsoring little league teams, or spending evenings with the town council and mornings with the chamber of commerce, we like to help. And thanks to the people we serve, the greater South Windsor area has grown increasingly safe, diverse, and economically vibrant over the decades. All of us look forward to a bright future for our local communities.
Imperial In the Connecticut Community
» WPCA-The Water Pollution Control Authority has the responsibility for approving sanitary sewer construction plans and operating the sewage system. The Authority levies benefit assessments, awards contracts, selects engineers, and applies for state and federal funds as specified in the Connecticut General Statutes. (Edward Havens Jr.)
» Big Brother Program (Edward Havens Jr.)
» South Windsor Parks and Rec annual Easter Egg Hunt (Imperial Oil) 45 years now
» Sponsor Two South Windsor Little League Teams (Imperial Oil) and coach a third (Michael Sanzo)
» Chairman of The Connecticut Energy Marketers Association Next Generation Leadership Council (M. Sanzo)
» 40 year members of the ICPA now CEMA.
» Has had a sitting member of the South Windsor Town Council since the early 1970’s
» An original founder of the South Windsor Chamber of Commerce (Edward Havens Sr.) and now a sitting board member (Michael Sanzo) over 50 years later.
» Have done work for organizations such as Purple Heart Homes, Habitat FOR HUMANITY and Rebuilding together.
» South Windsor Parks and Rec Hall of fame induction for both Edward Havens and Imperial Oil and Plumbing.Proud Sponsor of the South
» Windsor Farmers Market.